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  • New Mexico fuels U.S. crude oil output, funding for local programs

    New Mexico has become a U.S. leader in energy production over the past five years, drawing on Permian Basin reserves in the southeastern corner of the state. Oil and gas proceeds fund an increasing share of state government, most notably involving education programs.

  • Research Department Working Papers

    The Effects of Competition in the Retail Gasoline Industry

    This paper estimates the effect of competition on incumbent firm pricing by using high frequency price data and the precise geographic location for all gas stations in California.

  • Permian Basin Economic Indicators

    Employment in the Permian Basin region grew in the fourth quarter. The unemployment rate decreased slightly, while average hourly earnings rose in December.

  • Energy Indicators

    Natural gas liquids production increased in 2024 as did exports. The number of U.S. chemical railcar loadings remained flat compared to last year. Intermediate chemical prices have risen in recent months, while chemical export numbers, adjusted for inflation, are on the decline.

  • Geopolitical oil price risk not a major driver of global macroeconomic fluctuations

    Notwithstanding the attention geopolitical events in oil markets have attracted, we find that geopolitical oil price risk is unlikely to generate sizable recessionary effects.

  • Research Department Working Papers

    The Impact of the 2022 Oil Embargo and Price Cap on Russian Oil Prices

    This paper documents the effect of the oil embargo and price cap on Russian oil exports in the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

  • Energy Indicators

    U.S. exports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) are expected to continue to grow further into 2025. From October 2024 through the beginning of this year, U.S. natural gas and heating oil prices remained fairly steady.

  • Solar, battery capacity saved the Texas grid last summer; an uncertain future awaits

    As ERCOT forecasts accelerated load growth due to anticipated data center construction and electrification trends, the current generation mix and market design should garner increased scrutiny.

  • Surveys

    Oil and gas activity edges higher as outlooks brighten

    Activity in the oil and gas sector increased slightly in fourth quarter 2024, according to oil and gas executives responding to the Dallas Fed Energy Survey.

  • Energy Indicators

    Gasoline and diesel prices have come down since 2022. While motor gasoline consumption was low compared with historic trends, distillate fuel consumption was significantly weak in 2024.