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Contact our banking team

The Dallas Fed works with financial institutions in the Federal Reserve’s Eleventh District. This region includes Texas, northern Louisiana and southern New Mexico. We can advise on many aspects of bank operations and regulations.

Specialists by topic

Dallas Fed examiners specialize by area of oversight and institution type. Email us for questions on supervision, examinations and related guidance, laws and regulations.

Bank holding companies
Amanda Shell

Bank Secrecy Act / Anti-Money Laundering compliance (BSA/AML)
Meeoak Cho

Consumer compliance, fair lending and Community Reinvestment Act (CRA)
Yaira Velez

Information technology
Meeoak Cho

Safety and soundness (by institution type)

Banks and other entities in the financial system submit a variety of reports to the Federal Reserve. The Dallas Fed manages reporting for institutions in the Eleventh District.

Electronic filing, forms and user guides
Reporting Central

Reporting Central application support (Eleventh District)
Daion Burlingame 214-922-5423
Dianna Elzner 214-922-5424

Contact our report team for questions on specific reports, guidance on reporting requirements and definitions of data items.

Deposit and credit reports (FR 2028b/s, FR 2028D, FR 2248, FR 2644, FR 2835, FR 2835a, FR 2900, FR 2915, Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey)
Cesar Garcia

Regulatory and structure reports (FFIEC 041, FFIEC 051, FFIEC 101, FFIEC 102, FR 2052, FR 2314/S, FR 2886b, FR Y-6, FR Y-8, FR Y-9C, FR Y-9LP, FR Y-9SP, FR Y-9ES, FR Y-10, FR Y-11/S, FR Y-12)
Luke Gibbons

General questions on reporting
Dallas Fed Statistics

Discount window (Eleventh District)

Contact us to set up a borrowing relationship, pledge or release collateral, and request or repay a loan.

Business hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m.–6 p.m. CT.

Paycheck Protection Program Liquidity Facility

Contact us for inquiries on PPPLF transactions.

Account information (balances, interest and data)
Reserves Central

Help with reserves administration, excess balance accounts and interest on reserves (Eleventh District)

Questions on Payment System Risk policy or daylight overdrafts (Eleventh District)

Currency and coin orders or deposits

Use automated system:
FedCash Services

Technical issues or problems accessing the cash ordering system

Call Dallas Fed cash services:

  • Dallas: 214-922-6815
  • El Paso: 915-521-5279
  • Houston / San Antonio: 713-483-3634

Financial services

Computer-security incident notification (SR 22-4)

Banking organizations whose primary federal regulator is the Federal Reserve must notify the Federal Reserve Board of Governors of a notification incident by email or phone. They should also contact their central point of contact.

Questions on information technology (IT) regulations, risk, cybersecurity or cyber threats
Meeoak Cho

Banks and holding companies are required to file applications with the Federal Reserve for certain changes in bank ownership or activities, including mergers and acquisitions.

  • Electronic applications and information
  • Questions on filing or commenting on applications (Eleventh District)
    Karen Smith

Connect with us to find expert speakers, training and resources.

Speakers on banking, regulatory or economic topics
Request a speaker

Training for bank directors
Mario Fuentes

Resources for Minority Depository Institutions

University banking program liaison
Donald Bowers

State-chartered banks may join the Federal Reserve System if they meet certain requirements. National banks are required by law to be members.

  • Member banks headquartered in the Eleventh District hold stock in the Dallas Fed.
  • Their leaders can vote for and serve as Dallas Fed directors.

Discover the advantages of being a state member bank.

Learn more and apply
Karen Smith

Not sure what specialist you need? Start here.


Contact our industry outreach team:
Julieta Ezeiza


To file a complaint or get help with banks and other financial companies, visit these websites:

Promoting a strong banking system is a vital part of our mission

The leaders of the Dallas Fed banking team bring deep experience to the job.

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