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In-depth reports and other resources

Economic development and human capital

Topicssmall business and entrepreneurship, workforce development, education, digital access,  Community Reinvestment Act.

Financial access

Topics: financial stability, asset building, consumer finance,  financial education

  • Retirement Reality Check
    A look at retirement trends and how vulnerable populations are faring. (Dec. 2020)
  • Consumer Credit Trends
    A series that presents analysis of credit conditions in major metropolitan areas across Texas—who is borrowing, how much they are borrowing, average credit scores and delinquency trends—by county and ZIP code; data that are not readily available from other sources.
  • New Era for Payday Lending: Regulation, Innovation and the Road Ahead
    Provides an overview of the latest in Texas' payday lending field and low-cost alternatives. (Sept. 2016)
Housing and neighborhood stabilization

Topics: affordable housing, healthy communities, neighborhood revitalization.