What can be learned from the persistent electric power outages in Texas?
Texas suffered massive power outages during unusually cold temperatures in February. Millions of households lost access not only to power but also to heat and water for days—a situation that was foreseeable and could have been avoided.
April 01, 2021
Anticipated federal restrictions would slow Permian Basin production
Possible changes to leasing and permitting requirements governing federal lands could move oil production, prompting a realignment of Permian Basin activity between Texas and New Mexico.
March 04, 2021
Energy financing trends consistent with renewables’ growth
Equity markets appear to favor renewable-energy producers relative to their hydrocarbon counterparts. However, the relatively smaller size of many renewables projects complicates direct comparisons of bank lending to hydrocarbon and renewable entities.
February 23, 2021
What Is the U.S. oil industry doing about greenhouse gas emissions?
Oil companies have felt compelled to react both in anticipation of new regulatory policies and in response to growing pressure from investors.
December 29, 2020
Southwest Economy, Fourth Quarter 2020
Energy Woes to Weigh on Houston Recovery, Local Economist Says
Bill Gilmer, director of the Institute for Regional Forecasting at the University of Houston’s Bauer College of Business, assesses the effect of the energy industry problems on the Houston economy and provides an outlook for 2021.
December 21, 2020
Southwest Economy, Fourth Quarter 2020
Spotlight: Lower U.S. Crude Oil Production Decreases Output, Raises Price of Natural Gas
Natural gas futures plummeted to a historic low in June 2020 only to rebound by late October, mainly due to a decline in natural gas production from oil wells.
December 21, 2020
A new view of the relationship between oil prices, gasoline prices and inflation expectations
It has been considered self-evident until recently that oil prices drive inflation expectations, but new evidence calls into question this conclusion.
September 22, 2020
Southwest Economy, Third Quarter 2020
Energy sector slow to recover from malaise arising from effects of global pandemic
After absorbing a big hit from the COVID-19 pandemic, the energy sector may take until 2022 to recover.
September 21, 2020
Global Perspectives: Marvin E. Odum on the COVID-19 fight, energy outlook
Odum and Dallas Fed President Robert S. Kaplan participated in a moderated conversation with Krys Boyd of KERA and discussed the ongoing pandemic and how best to contain it.
August 25, 2020
Southwest Economy, Second Quarter 2020
COVID-19 tanks U.S. fuel consumption, prices
The effects of the pandemic, including working from home and reduced travel, dropped fuel consumption from mid-March to mid-April 2020.
June 23, 2020