Southwest Economy, Fourth Quarter 2021
Natural gas demand recovers, lifts prices
Global demand for U.S. natural gas has risen as many pandemic-induced limits on economic activity have been lifted, but domestic production has only slowly recovered.
December 15, 2021
Limited Impact of Rising Energy Prices on U.S. Inflation, Inflation Expectations in 2020–23
Predictions of $100 per barrel oil during the coming winter have raised fears of persistently high inflation and rising inflation expectations for years to come. However, quantitative analysis suggests that these concerns have been overstated.
November 23, 2021
Southwest Economy, Third Quarter 2021
Once-oil-dependent Texas economy to keep growing as renewable energy expands
The negative environmental impacts of global warming have motivated the beginnings of a global transition from traditional fossil fuels to renewable energy.
September 30, 2021
Surging renewable energy in Texas prompts electricity generation adequacy questions
With little investment taking place in new thermal generation, does the design of Texas’ electricity market provide enough incentive to develop capacity for future power needs?
August 17, 2021
Southwest Economy, Second Quarter 2021
Texas winter deep freeze broke refining, petrochemical supply chains
It may take the Texas petrochemical industry until year-end 2021 to fully recover from the record cold that triggered power outages and supply disruptions in mid-February.
June 18, 2021
Southwest Economy, Second Quarter 2021
Oil patch productivity rises; jobs vanish
After major oil price busts in 2014 and 2020, the same engineering prowess that helped the oil and gas industry thrive has been driven to find efficiencies to lower operating costs.
June 18, 2021
Central bankers need to take note of transition to clean energy
The path from traditional energy sources to alternative sources with lower greenhouse gas emissions—including renewable energy, and carbon capture and storage—is long and paved with abundant uncertainty.
June 01, 2021
Cost of Texas’ 2021 deep freeze justifies weatherization
Our analysis indicates winterizing for extreme winter weather events appears financially reasonable.
April 15, 2021
Oil market’s tightening in February seemingly defies fundamentals
Surging oil prices in February have raised hopes that the worst may be over for oil markets, though recent evidence suggests that the recovery will not last.
April 13, 2021
Southwest Economy, First Quarter 2021
Collapsing fuel demand tanks Texas exports during pandemic’s peak
The COVID-19 pandemic wreaked havoc on Texas energy exports. U.S. energy exports excluding Texas were dramatically less affected.
April 09, 2021