Southwest Economy, Third Quarter 2020
Third Quarter 2020
Print version
- COVID-19’s fiscal ills: busted Texas budgets, critical local choices
Jason Saving
COVID-19 and related economic shutdowns have raised concerns that state and local government revenues will fall short of expectations just as demand for services soars. - Texas economy mends in fits and starts from pandemic’s onslaught
Christopher Slijk
A resurgent COVID-19 outbreak in Texas has stymied a state economic recovery, according to the Texas Business Outlook Surveys and high-frequency data that document activity on a more granular level. - Looking to economics for help in addressing enduring discrimination
On the record: A conversation with Gary A. Hoover
Gary A. Hoover holds a President’s Associates Presidential Professorship and is chairman of the Economics Department at the University of Oklahoma in Norman. He specializes in policy analysis of income distribution and poverty, public finance and ethics in economics. - Spotlight: Energy sector slow to recover from malaise arising from effects of global pandemic
Emma Marshall and Pia Orrenius
After absorbing a big hit from the COVID-19 pandemic, the energy sector may take until 2022 to recover. - Go figure: Vehicle sales highlight surprising
resilience in spending during pandemic
Design: Olu Eseyin; Content: Christopher Slijk, Chloe N. Smith
Texas truck/SUV sales held steady while car sales declined steeply amid the recession caused by COVID-19. - Snapshot: Texas employment estimate debuts
The Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas’ new Texas Weekly Employment Estimate (TWEE) is a timely tool to monitor evolving economic conditions while awaiting release of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ establishment survey of employment. - President’s perspective
Robert S. Kaplan
Southwest Economy is published quarterly by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. The views expressed are those of the authors and should not be attributed to the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas or the Federal Reserve System.
Articles may be reprinted on the condition that the source is credited to the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.