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Banking Conditions Survey

The Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas conducts the Banking Conditions Survey twice each quarter to obtain a timely assessment of activity at banks and credit unions headquartered in the Eleventh Federal Reserve District.

CEOs or senior loan officers of financial institutions are asked whether they are seeing changes in a series of indicators. In addition, participants are given the opportunity to submit comments on current issues that may be affecting their business and outlook. The answers supply timely information on banking conditions in preparation for monetary policy deliberations before the eight Federal Open Market Committee meetings each year.
2025 Release dates
Data collection period Release (9:30 a.m. CT)
The publishing process begins at 9:30 a.m. CT. While we strive to ensure the information is published to our website in a timely manner, we cannot guarantee the exact timing all survey content becomes available online.
February 4–12 February 18
March 25–April 2 April 7
May 6–14 May 19
June 17–25 June 30
August 5–13 August 18
September 16–24 September 29
October 28–November 5 November 10
December 16–24 December 30

Questions regarding the Banking Conditions Survey can be addressed to Mariam Yousuf at

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