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Research Publications

Working papers

Working papers from the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas are preliminary drafts circulated for professional comment.

No. 2509
The Effects of Competition in the Retail Gasoline Industry
Reid Taylor and Erich Muehlegger

Abstract: We estimate the effect of competition on incumbent firm pricing by using high frequency price data and the precise geographic location for all gas stations in California. Using an event study design, we find that the entry of a new station is associated with a 2.5 cent decrease in prices at incumbent stores, which equates to a 7 percent reduction in estimated retail markups. The effects are immediate, persistent and show no sign of deterrence or limit pricing behavior. In contrast, nearby exit results in precisely estimated null effects on prices with no evidence of predatory pricing in the lead up to the station departure. We show that these results are consistent across all fuel blends, dissipate with distance and are driven by less concentrated markets. Finally, we explore the asymmetric effects, showing that the difference cannot be attributed to difference in branding, proximity to highway or data quality idiosyncrasies, although we find suggestive evidence that exit tends to happen in more competitive markets and amongst less heavily trafficked stations.


No. 2508
Trade Costs and Inflation Dynamics
Pablo Cuba-Borda, Albert Queralto, Ricardo Reyes-Heroles and Mikaël Scaramucci

Abstract: We explore how shocks to trade costs affect inflation dynamics in the global economy. We exploit bilateral trade flows of final and intermediate goods together with the structure of static trade models that deliver gravity equations to identify exogenous changes in trade costs between countries. We then use a local projections approach to assess the effects of trade cost shocks on consumer price (CPI) inflation. Higher trade costs of final goods lead to large but short-lived increases in inflation, while increases in trade costs of intermediate goods generate small but persistent increases in inflation. We develop a multi-country New Keynesian model featuring trade in final and intermediate goods and show that it can replicate the inflation responses we identify in the data. We estimate the model using historical data and use it to explore the drivers of U.S. inflation in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. We find that trade costs account for one percentage point of additional inflation in 2022 and the bulk of inflationary pressures in 2023.


No. 2507
Impulse Response Diagnostics for Priors on Parameters in Structural Vector Autoregressions
Lutz Kilian

Abstract: Structural impulse response functions may be estimated based on priors about the parameters of the structural VAR presentation. Even when such priors appear seemingly reasonable, they may imply an unintentionally informative prior for the structural impulse responses. Rather than pretending that the posterior of the impulse responses does not depend on this prior, the proposal in this paper is to verify that the prior distribution of the vector of impulse responses of interest is not unintentionally informative. Moreover, if the impulse response prior is intentionally informative, this point must be conveyed, so the reader can properly evaluate the reported conclusions. This paper discusses easy-to-use diagnostic tools that help practitioners address these concerns.


No. 2506
Financial Technology and the 1990s Housing Boom
Stephanie Johnson and Nitzan Tzur-Ilan

Abstract: The 1990s rollout of mortgage automated underwriting systems allowed for complex underwriting rules, cut processing time and raised house prices substantially. We show that locations exposed to initial adopters of Freddie Mac’s Loan Prospector system experienced an early housing boom due to a switch to statistically-informed underwriting rules. Loan Prospector adoption increased lending at high loan-to-income ratios by around 18 percent. Applying our estimated response to lenders who adopted later, we find that the rollout of new lending standards with the GSEs’ systems can explain more than half of U.S. house price growth between 1993 and 2002.


No. 2505
Climate Risk, Insurance Premiums and the Effects on Mortgage and Credit Outcomes
Shan Ge, Stephanie Johnson and Nitzan Tzur-Ilan

Abstract: As climate change exacerbates natural disasters, homeowners’ insurance premiums are rising dramatically. We examine the impact of premium increases on borrowers’ mortgage and credit outcomes using new data on home insurance policies for 6.7 million borrowers. We find that higher premiums increase the probability of mortgage delinquency, as well as prepayment (driven mainly by relocation). The results hold using a novel instrumental variable. The delinquency effect is greater for borrowers with higher debt-to-income ratios. Both delinquency and prepayment effects are present in both GSE and non-GSE mortgages. We also find that higher premiums significantly raise the probability of credit card delinquency and worsen borrowers’ creditworthiness. Our findings unveil a channel through which climate change can threaten household financial health and potentially impact the stability of the financial system.


No. 2504
The Impact of Labels on Real Asset Valuations
Yuliya Demyanyk, Luis A. Lopez and Nitzan Tzur-Ilan

Abstract: Expectations and sentiment of economic agents about financial prospects are both the drivers and the leading indicators of economic phenomena. This paper shows that neighborhood labels, frequently used in realtors’ property descriptions, have a causal impact on the demand for housing. Results indicate that appraised values, house prices and rents increased in minority neighborhoods upon removal of neighborhood labels. The underlying mechanism likely works through forming expectations about future growth in housing markets, as documented by the decrease in the rent-to-price ratio and lack of change in the creditworthiness of the neighborhood residents.


No. 2503
Up in Smoke: The Impact of Wildfire Pollution on Healthcare Municipal Finance
Luis A. Lopez, Dermot Murphy, Nitzan Tzur-Ilan and Sean Wilkoff

Abstract: Wildfire smoke pollution is associated with significantly higher healthcare municipal borrowing costs, amounting to $250 million in realized interest costs for high-smoke counties in 2010–2019, and an estimated $570 million over the following 10 years. These costs are disproportionately higher in high-poverty or high-minority areas where there is more smoke-related uncompensated care. Out-of-state smoke is also associated with higher borrowing costs, suggesting poor wildfire management imposes externalities on nearby states. Our hospital-level analysis shows increases in asthma cases and unprofitable emergency room visits, tighter financial constraints and reduced investment. Migration sorting exacerbates these effects by concentrating vulnerable households in high-smoke counties.


No. 2502
Air Pollution and Rent Prices: Evidence from Wildfire Smoke Plumes
Luis A. Lopez and Nitzan Tzur-Ilan

Abstract: We leverage quasi-experimental wildfire smoke shocks to analyze the causal effect of air pollution (PM2.5) on rent prices, using satellite-based smoke plumes data and ambient air pollution data. Our results indicate that the rent of homes that are not directly affected by wildfires but exposed to wildfire plumes declines by about -2.4% per one standard deviation increase in PM2.5. The response of home prices is more than threefold highlighting a gap in the tolerance of poor air quality, which we find is driven by age-related differences between tenants and homeowners. We further show evidence that air pollution affects liquidity and search frictions in the rental market.


No. 2501
Dynamics of Market Power in Monetary Economies
Jyotsana Kala, Lucie Lebeau and Lu Wang

Abstract: We study the dynamic interplay between monetary policy and market power in a decentralized monetary economy. Building on Choi and Rocheteau (2024), our key innovation is to model rent seeking as a process that takes time, allowing market power to evolve gradually. Our model predicts that a gradual reduction in the nominal interest rate causes a simultaneous increase in rent-seeking effort and producers’ market power, consistent with the stylized correlation observed in the U.S. over the last few decades. Producer entry can however reverse this relation in the short run, and neutralize it in the long run. Indeterminacy and hysteresis emerge when consumers benefit from valuable outside options, with short-run monetary policy shocks potentially locking the economy into high- or low-market-power equilibria in the long run.