Exploring economic ties with Mexico and the world
The Global Institute advances policy-driven research on global trade, international capital and migration flows, and knowledge and technology transfer with a particular interest in linkages with Mexico. Through this expertise, the Institute delivers insights and analysis to better inform U.S. monetary policy.
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Mexico’s GDP grew only 0.9 percent year over year in fourth quarter 2024, after expanding 2.4 percent in 2023 and 4.6 percent in 2022. Economic growth slowed, mainly due to lower investment, slowing consumption and a contracting energy sector.
The ratio of house prices to rents in the U.S. has risen 20 percent since first quarter 2020, coinciding with the beginning of the pandemic. The ratio is near its previous high in 2006. The future course of inflation may well be influenced by how this now-lofty ratio reverts to a more usual level.
Ray Perryman, principal of Waco-based The Perryman Group, has been an observer of the Texas economy for more than four decades. He offers his views of what has propelled Texas since the 1980s oil bust and the state’s future prospects, and he recounts how he grew his economics firm.
Working papers and research
Trade Costs and Inflation Dynamics
This paper exploits bilateral trade flows of final and intermediate goods together with the structure of static trade models that deliver gravity equations to identify exogenous changes in trade costs between countries. The authors then use a local projections approach to assess the effects of trade cost shocks on consumer price (CPI) inflation.
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An Anatomy of U.S. Establishments’ Trade Linkages in Global Value Chains
Global value chains (GVC) are a pervasive feature of modern production, but they are hard to measure. Using U.S. Census microdata, this paper develops novel measures of the linkages between U.S. manufacturing establishments’ imports and exports. The paper documents three new GVC patterns.
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Structural Change in Sub-Saharan Africa: An Open Economy Perspective
This paper studies the evolution of manufacturing value added shares in 11 sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries through the lens of an open economy model of structural change.
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Real Exchange Rates and the Global Financial Cycle
This paper looks at the effect of fluctuations in the global financial cycle on real exchange rates.
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The Problem of Quality Change in Historical Price Statistics: An Illustrative Example Using Baedeker Travel Guides
This paper uses a novel dataset on the prices of the travel guidebooks published by the German publishing house Baedeker between 1832 and 1944 to construct a hedonic price index for guidebooks. Comparing these indexes to the list prices of these guidebooks, the paper shows that the failure to adjust for improvements in the quality of the guidebooks over time imparts a substantial upward bias to measured inflation.
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What Imports to Import Prices?
This study offers new insights into exchange rate pass-through (ERPT) using U.S. import price indexes by country-of-origin, covering two decades of monthly data.
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Featured event
SNDE Symposium 2025: Exploring the future of international economics research
Leading economists, including keynote speakers Olivier Coibion and Eric Swanson and a host of experts from the U.S. and abroad, gather to advance the discussion on empirical international macroeconomics and finance at the Society for Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics symposium, cosponsored by the Dallas Fed.
March 21–22, 2025
San Antonio
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Featured article
How do trade disruptions affect inflation?
Learn about inflationary risks posed by factors including COVID-induced supply chain bottlenecks, Russia's invasion of Ukraine and tariffs and restrictions on U.S.-China trade in this article from the Federal Reserve Board of Governors' FEDS Notes series.
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Special reports
The proceedings from this 2019 conference explore challenges and opportunities presented by the USMCA.
Proceedings of the 2014 conference that brought together leading academic and government researchers who explored the realities of the landmark trade agreement.
Proceedings from 2006 conference that examine the various dimensions in which trade and migration affect economic development, whether individually or jointly, through economic or political forces.
Global Institute