Large, dominant firms depress local wages; housing costs help offset lower pay
Concern has increased about the ability of very large firms to exert market power and hold down wages in localities where they dominate.
January 07, 2020
Southwest Economy, Fourth Quarter 2019
Texas Sees Job, Output Gains from 2018 U.S. Tax Cut
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 likely played an important role in Texas’ stronger subsequent job growth relative to the nation.
December 30, 2019
Moderate wage growth spurs search for ‘hidden slack’ in labor market
In recent years, much has been made about the idea of hidden slack—unused labor capacity not captured by the unemployment rate.
December 17, 2019
Hours worked by women age 55 to 61 confound labor market analysis
The seemingly anomalous low LIUR of one particular demographic group poses a challenge for assessing the extent to which the U.S. economy is currently close to full employment.
November 26, 2019
What’s up (or not up) with wages?
This is the third of three articles that talk about the natural rate of unemployment, the unemployment rate that would prevail in a “neutral” labor market after removing all movement due to the business cycle.
November 12, 2019
Failed background check, drug testing stall hiring of low-skilled workers
Many companies seek to add employees as the state economy continues expanding at an above-average pace. But not all can find the workers they need.
October 17, 2019
Labor market slack disappeared by 2016
This is the second of three articles that talk about the natural rate of unemployment, the unemployment rate that would prevail in a “neutral” labor market after removing all movement due to the business cycle.
October 15, 2019
A natural approach to estimating the ‘natural rate’ of unemployment
The unemployment rate is a widely viewed gauge of U.S. labor market slack or tightness. Because of structural changes to the labor market over time, assessments about slack/tightness require a reference point called the “natural rate of unemployment.”
October 08, 2019
Domestic migration to Texas slows as national labor markets tighten
Despite a strong economy and historically low unemployment rates in Texas, net domestic migration to Texas from other states has slowed since 2015.
September 03, 2019
As wages rise, are black workers seeing the smallest gains?
A recent article argued that black workers have received the smallest earnings gains among various groups since the beginning of the Great Recession. Our analysis suggests otherwise.
July 16, 2019