Southwest Economy, Fourth Quarter 2020
Fourth Quarter 2020
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- COVID-19 Fuels Sudden, Surging Demand for Suburban Housing
Laila Assanie and Yichen Su
Business interruption and social distancing mandates because of COVID-19 have disrupted what had been a period of sustained growth within city centers nationally and in Texas. The pandemic-related actions have helped propel a sudden, large shift from renting to homeownership and a concurrent movement to the suburbs and larger homes. - Pandemic Unemployment Benefits Provided Much-Needed Fiscal Support
Anil Kumar
Recent analysis suggests that enhanced unemployment insurance benefits implemented in response to the COVID-19 pandemic have helped buttress spending among the unemployed and supported state and local economies. Their economic impact in Texas relative to the nation has been constrained by lower levels of participation in the unemployment aid programs and more modest per-capita payments from them. - On the Record: A Conversation with Bill Gilmer
Energy Woes to Weigh on Houston Recovery, Local Economist Says
Bill Gilmer, director of the Institute for Regional Forecasting at the University of Houston’s Bauer College of Business, assesses the effect of the oil industry on the Houston economy and provides an outlook for 2021. - Spotlight: Lower U.S. Crude Oil Production Decreases Output, Raises Price of Natural Gas
Jesse Thompson and Camila Holm
Natural gas futures plummeted to a historic low in June 2020 only to rebound by late October, mainly due to a decline in natural gas production from oil wells. - Go Figure: Loan Delinquencies Start to Climb After Falling with Stimulus and Relief
Design: Olu Eseyin; Content: Wenhua Di and Carlee Crocker
COVID-19 stimulus and loan relief helped Texas borrowers avoid falling behind on loan payments in 2020's second quarter. - President’s Perspective
Robert S. Kaplan
Southwest Economy is published quarterly by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. The views expressed are those of the authors and should not be attributed to the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas or the Federal Reserve System.
Articles may be reprinted on the condition that the source is credited to the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.