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Research Events

Workshop on Applied Econometrics in Commodities and Housing Markets

Hilde Bjornland, BI Norwegian Business School
Knut Are Aastveit, Norges Bank

Dallas Fed

Presented by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas and Norges Bank


October 18, 2017

9:00 a.m.

Mine Yücel

Senior Vice President, Senior Research Advisor
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

9:05 a.m.

“Supply Flexibility in the Shale Patch: Evidence from North Dakota”
Hilde Bjornland, Frode Martin Nordvik

BI Norwegian Business School and Norges Bank
Maximilian Rohrer
BI Norwegian Business School

9:40 a.m.

“Collusion in the World Copper Market: A Long-Run Perspective”
Gordon Rausser

UC Berkeley
Martin Stuermer
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

10:15 a.m.


10:35 a.m.

“Asymmetric effects of monetary policy in regional housing markets”
Knut Are Aastveit, André K. Anundsen

Norges Bank

11:10 a.m.

“Using Petroleum Product Prices to Help Identify Supply and Demand Shocks in the Oil Market”
Michael Plante

Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

11:45 a.m.

For More Information

Contact Martin Stuermer at