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Matthew McCormick

Principal Financial Economist
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

Matthew McCormickMatthew McCormick is a principal financial economist in the Research Department at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, where he monitors financial conditions across a variety of markets.

McCormick began his career as an economist at the Bureau of Economic Analysis, where he helped develop the agency’s first metropolitan area GDP estimates, for which he was awarded the Commerce Department’s gold medal award. He also produced the state-level GDP estimates for several industries. He joined the Federal Housing Finance Agency soon after its creation, where he analyzed the private-label mortgage-backed securities holdings of the Federal Home Loan Banks and worked on other bank supervision special topics. Most recently, he was a senior economist at the Office of Financial Research, where he led the agency’s coverage of short-term funding markets and authored the agency’s first data collection rule, covering cleared repo markets.

McCormick earned a BA from Northwestern University in Illinois and an MA from George Mason University in Virginia.

Working Papers
Dallas Fed Publications
Other Works