Roberto A. Coronado
Regional executive for El Paso, West Texas, southern New Mexico
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Roberto Coronado is a senior vice president and senior economist with the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. He is responsible for the Bank’s community engagement and development function.
Coronado leads the team that builds deep, strategic partnerships with community and business leaders to help shape the Dallas Fed’s understanding of the economy in Texas, southern New Mexico and northern Louisiana. The input the team gathers helps inform the Dallas Fed’s policy views.
In addition, he has responsibility for the community development function, which aims to address workforce and educational barriers and advance economic inclusion.
Coronado also serves as the El Paso Branch regional executive and senior economist. He monitors economic and business activity in El Paso, West Texas and southern New Mexico, and he provides regional input into the Dallas Fed’s monetary policy process.
Additionally, he leads the Dallas Fed’s work to extend its relationships with Mexico and deepen its expertise on the U.S.–Mexico economy. Coronado’s research focuses on issues pertaining to the Mexican economy, U.S.–Mexico economic integration and the border, and he has written articles for various Federal Reserve publications and academic journals in both the United States and Mexico.
Coronado serves as a director for the Texas Lyceum and a board member for the National Association for Business Economics, Texas 2036 and the El Paso Collaborative for Academic Excellence.
He earned his doctorate in economics from the University of Houston, and he holds a bachelor’s degree in accounting and economics and a master’s degree in economics from University of Texas at El Paso.
- "So Close to Mexico: Economic Spillovers along the Texas–Mexico Border," with Marycruz De León and Eduardo Saucedo, in Ten-Gallon Economy: Sizing up Texas’ Economic Growth, Pia M. Orrenius, Jesus Cañas and Michael Weiss, eds. Palgrave MacMillan, 2015.
- "Cross-Border Homicide Impacts on Economic Activity in El Paso," with Pedro Niño Jr., Thomas M. Fullerton Jr., and Adam G. Walke, Empirical Economics, 49(4) 1543–59, 2015.
- "The Impact of Maquiladoras on U.S. Border Cities," with Jesus Cañas, Robert W Gilmer, and Eduardo Saucedo, Growth and Change , 44(3) 415–42, 2013.
- "Do Remittances Boost Economic Development? Evidence from Mexican States," with Pia M. Orrenius, Madeline Zavodny, and Jesus Canas, Law and Business Review of the Americas, Fall 2010.
- "Crime on the U.S.–Mexico Border: The Effect of Undocumented Immigration and Border Enforcement,” with Pia M. Orrenius, Migraciones Internacionales, June 2007.
- "Exported Retail Sales along the Texas-Mexico Border," with Keith R. Phillips, Journals of Borderlands Studies, Spring 2007.
- “Short-Run Maquiladora Employment Dynamics in Tijuana," with Thomas M. Fullerton, Jr. and Don P. Clark, Annals of Regional Science, Fall 2004.
- “Maquiladora Downturn: Structural Change or Cyclical Factors?,” with Jesus Cañas and Robert W. Gilmer, International Business and Economics Research Journal, August 2004.
- “Evidencia Respecto de la Valoración del Peso Mexicano en la Región Fronteriza," with Thomas M. Fullerton, Jr., Investigación Económica, 2001.
- “Restaurant Prices and the Mexican Peso," with Thomas M. Fullerton, Jr., Southern Economic Journal, July 2001.
- "The Impact of the Maquiladora Industry on the Rio Grande Valley," with Eduardo Saucedo, Border Business Briefs, v10 n.1 2014.
- "The Great Recession and the Great Recovery: Challenges Remain Ahead for Mexico," with Eduardo Saucedo, La Crisis Financiera Internacional: Efectos Sectoriales en México y en su Frontera Norte, Jorge Eduardo Mendoza Cota, ed., Tijuana: El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, 2013.
- "Remittances as an Economic Development Engine: Regional Evidence from Mexico," with Pia M. Orrenius, Madeline Zavodny, and Jesus Cañas, in Migration and Remittances: Trends, Impacts and New Challenges, January 2012.
- "Mexico's Rebound Continues," with Robert W. Gilmer, in México Consensus Economic Forecast, Thomas M. Fullerton, Jr.,ed., University of Texas at El Paso, June, 2010.
- “U.S.–Mexico Remittances: Recent Trends and Measurement Issues,” with Jesus Canas and Roberto Coronado in Migration, Trade and Development: Conference Proceedings, James Hollifield, Pia Orrenius and Thomas Osang, eds., Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, 2007.
- “El empleo en la frontera de Texas y el crecimiento de las maquiladoras,” with Jesus Cañas and Robert W. Gilmer, EL TLCAN y La Frontera México Estados Unidos: aspectos económicos, Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Conference Proceedings Book, ed. Jorge Eduardo Mendoza Cota, pp. 149–69, September 2007.
- "Border Crime and Border Enforcement," with Pia M. Orrenius, Basic Border Econometrics, Martha Patricia Barraza de Anda and Thomas M. Fullerton, Jr. eds., Universidad Autonoma de Ciudad Juárez, 2006.
- "Commentary on Permanent Establishment and Taxation," in NAFTA and the Maquiladora Program: Rules, Routines, and Institutional Legitimacy, Van V. Miller, ed., Texas Western Press, 2007.
- “Menu Prices and the Peso," 2001, with Thomas M. Fullerton, Jr., The University of Texas at El Paso Technical Report Series, 2001.
- “Empirical Evidence on the Mexican Peso," with Thomas M. Fullerton, Jr., American Statistical Association: 1999 Proceedings of the Business and Economic Statistics Section, 1999.
- El Paso Economic Indicators, 2007–13.
- "Will Reforms Pay Off This Time? Experts Assess Mexico’s Prospects," with Jesus Cañas and Pia Orrenius, Southwest Economy, Second Quarter 2013.
- "Spotlight: Dollar-sensitive Mexican Shoppers Boost Texas Border Retail Activity," with Keith R. Phillips, Southwest Economy, Fourth Quarter2012.
- "El Paso and Texas Border Cities Close the Gap in Per Capita Income," with Robert W. Gilmer, Crossroads, July 2012.
- "New Mexico Recovery Still Struggles in 2012," with Monica Bonilla-Romero, Crossroads, April 2012.
- "Mexico Rides Global Recovery but Still Faces Hurdles," with Jesus Cañas and Robert W. Gilmer, Southwest Economy, Third Quarter 2011.
- "Trade Conference Explores U.S.–Mexico 'Common Bonds'," with Jesus Cañas and Robert W Gilmer, Southwest Economy, First Quarter 2011.
- "Is the Recession Over in El Paso?" with Jesus Cañas and Robert W. Gilmer, Crossroads, Issue 1, May 2010.
- "Spotlight: Maquiladora Employment New Data Confirm Pickup in Juárez Factory Jobs," with Jesus Cañas, Southwest Economy, Second Quarter 2010.
- "Cross-Border Money Flows Slowed by U.S. Slump," with Jesus Cañas, Southwest Economy, First Quarter 2010.
- "El Paso Medical School New Facility Kindles Hopes for Well-Paying Jobs," with Robert W. Gilmer, Southwest Economy, July/August 2008.
- "Explaining the Increase in Remittances to Mexico," with Jesus Cañas and Pia M. Orrenius, Southwest Economy, July/August 2007.
- "Maquiladora Recovery: Lessons for the Future," with Jesus Cañas and Robert W. Gilmer, Southwest Economy, March/April 2007.
- "Border Benefits from Mexican Shoppers," with Jesus Cañas and Keith Phillips, Southwest Economy, May/June 2006.
- "U.S., Mexico Deepen Economic Ties," with Jesus Cañas and Robert W. Gilmer, Southwest Economy, January/February 2006.
- "Texas Border Benefits from Retail Sales to Mexican Nationals," with Keith R. Phillips, The Face of Texas: Jobs, People, Business and Change, November 2005.
- "Texas Border Employment and Maquiladora Growth," with Jesus Cañas and Robert W. Gilmer, The Face of Texas: Jobs, People, Business and Change, November 2005.
- "Cyclical Differences Emerge in Border City Economies," with Jesus Cañas, Crossroads, Issue 1, 2005.
- "Trade, Manufacturing Put Mexico Back on Track in 2004," with Robert W. Gilmer and Jesus Cañas, Houston Business, March 2005
- "Framing the Future: Tomorrow's Border Economy," with Robert W. Gilmer, Keith R. Phillips and Jesus Cañas, Vista, Issue 1 2005
- "Framing the Future: Tomorrow's Border Economy," with Robert W. Gilmer, Keith R. Phillips and Jesus Cañas, Business Frontier, Issue 4, 2004
- "U.S.–Mexico Trade: Are We Still Connected?," with Jesus Cañas, Business Frontier, Issue 3, 2004
- "Maquiladora Downturn: Structural Change or Cyclical Factors?," with Jesus Cañas and Robert W. Gilmer, Business Frontier, Issue 2, 2004
- "Workers' Remittances to Mexico," Business Frontier, Issue 1, 2004
- "Falling Crime and Rising Border Enforcement: Is There a Connection?," with Pia M. Orrenius, Southwest Economy, May/June 2003
- "Maquiladora Industry: Past, Present and Future," with Jesus Cañas, Business Frontier, Issue 2, 2002
- "Economic Update on El Paso del Norte," with Lucinda Vargas, Business Frontier, Issue 2, 2001
- "Factors Behind the Convergence of Economic Performance Across U.S. States," with Keith R. Phillips and James Nordlund, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Research Dept. Working Paper 1108
- "The Impact of Maquiladoras on U.S. Border Cities," with Jesus Cañas, Robert W Gilmer, and Eduardo Saucedo, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Research Dept. Working Paper 1107
- "Offshoring and Volatility: More Evidence from Mexico’s Maquiladora Industry," Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Research Dept. Working Paper 1106
- "Business Cycles and Remittances: Can the Beveridge-Nelson Decomposition Provide New Evidence?" Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Globalization and Monetary Policy Institute Working Paper No. 40, October 2009
- Texas Economic Update (presentation), Municipal Advisory Council of Texas, Oct. 24, 2024
- Understanding the evolving relationship between the United States and Mexico | Presentation, Western Hemispheric Trade Center Annual Conference, Texas A&M International University, April 12, 2024.
- Economic Update and Understanding the Evolution of the U.S.–Mexico Economic Relationship (presentation), Rio Grande Economics Association Luncheon, March 1, 2024.
- El Paso economic update (presentation), Rotary Club of El Paso weekly meeting, Jan. 18, 2024
- Rio Grande Valley Economic Outlook: Employment Growth Slows, Inflation Remains High (presentation), RGV Economic Outlook Symposium, Oct. 20, 2023.
- A View from the Bank for International Settlements (moderator), 65th National Association for Business Economics (NABE) Annual Meeting, Oct. 8, 2023.
- The Texas economy: How well is the engine running? (moderated conversation), 2023 Texas Tribune Conversations, Sept. 26, 2023.