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Dallas Fed’s El Paso Branch elects leaders for 2025

DALLAS—The board of directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' El Paso Branch has elected Von Washington as chair and Leila H. Melendez as chair pro tem for 2025.

Washington joined the El Paso Branch board in 2020 and served as chair pro tem in 2024.

He is CEO and owner of IDA Technology, a technical services company, and has spent more than 30 years in the aerospace and missile defense industry, supporting major Department of Defense programs.

Washington previously served as an officer in the U.S. Army as an operations research systems analyst and as a program plans coordinator for Lockheed Martin Missiles and Space THAAD Program. He was reappointed in 2021 by Texas Governor Greg Abbott to the Texas Commission on State Emergency Communication.

Melendez joined the El Paso Branch board in 2024.

She is CEO of Workforce Solutions Borderplex, a nonprofit that provides employment service assistance to job seekers and employers in West Texas.

Melendez has won numerous awards, including a 2023 Gold Nugget Award by UTEP. She also was named as a breakthrough leader by the El Paso Chamber and previously received the Star on the Mountain Award from former El Paso Mayor John Cook.

The El Paso board consists of seven members, four appointed by the Dallas Fed board and three by the Federal Reserve System Board of Governors in Washington, D.C.

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Media contact:
James Hoard
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Phone: 214-922-5307