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Dallas Fed announces executive promotions

For Immediate Release: May 9, 2018

DALLAS—The Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas has announced the following promotions.

Melissa Hunt has been promoted to vice president and endpoint services executive for the Federal Reserve System’s End User Services function. Previously, she served as assistant vice president of mobility solutions. Hunt has over 24 years of experience providing solutions for professional services firms, most recently as the business technology director of Grant Thornton LLP. She holds a BBA from Stephen F. Austin State University.

Anthony Murphy has been promoted to senior economic policy advisor in the macroeconomics group of the Research Department. Previously, he served as economic policy advisor and senior economist. Murphy joined the Bank in 2010. He received a DPhil from Oxford University, an MSc from the London School of Economics and a BA from Trinity College Dublin.

Nicki Korb has been promoted to assistant vice president in the Banking Supervision Department with continuing responsibility for the community banking function. Previously, she served as examining officer. Korb joined the Federal Reserve in 1998. She earned a BBA in accounting from Tarleton State University and is a graduate of the Southwestern Graduate School of Banking at Southern Methodist University.

Bob Mahalik has been promoted to assistant vice president in the Banking Supervision Department with continuing responsibility for the mergers and acquisitions, exam support, and records management function. Previously, he served as examining officer. Mahalik joined the Bank in 1984. He received a BBA in finance from the University of North Texas.

Tim Stearns has been promoted to assistant vice president in the Banking Supervision Department with continuing responsibility for the community banking function. Previously, he served as examining officer. Stearns joined the Federal Reserve in 1998. He earned a BA from Saint Anselm College, which included a year abroad at Oxford University, and is a graduate of the University of Colorado’s Graduate School of Banking.


Media contact:
Jennifer Chamberlain
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Phone: (214) 922-6748