Construction underway on Dallas Fed's new San Antonio Branch facility
For immediate release: August 1, 2013
DALLAS—The Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas today announced construction has begun on a new 21,000-square-foot, three-story facility for its San Antonio Branch.
The building will be located at 402 Dwyer Ave. in San Antonio’s central business district. Construction is scheduled for completion in first quarter 2014.
The new building will replace the San Antonio Branch’s current 90,980-square-foot facility at 126 E. Nueva St., which will be offered for sale after branch operations have relocated.
The new building will allow the Dallas Fed to extend its reach in conducting public outreach, economic research, community development, and banking supervision and regulation, according to Blake Hastings, vice president in charge of the San Antonio Branch.
“The new facility will be built to meet our operational specifications,” Hastings said. “We are extremely excited about the new facility, which we strongly believe is an innovative, cost-effective solution that will be used for more interaction with the public.”
The San Antonio Branch will occupy its new facility under a 15-year, single- tenant lease agreement.
The building project is being managed, designed and constructed by Austin-based companies Development 2000 Inc., Haddon & Cowan Architects Collaborative LLC and DCA Construction L.P.
Established by Congress in 1913, the Federal Reserve System serves as the nation’s central bank to provide a safe and stable monetary and financial system.
The San Antonio Branch opened in 1927 and moved to its current location in 1956.
The Dallas Fed and its branches in San Antonio, Houston and El Paso serve the Eleventh Federal Reserve District, which includes Texas, northern Louisiana and southern New Mexico.

Media contact:
James Hoard
Phone: (214) 922-5307