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How to make an information request

All Federal Reserve Banks have a common policy for public requests for information. Read more

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Review our transparency policy
Before submitting a request: Learn what records can be disclosed by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas and how the request process works.
Read Transparency and Accountability Policy


Complete request form
After reviewing the policy: Use our web form to submit a request for information to our Transparency Office. See privacy notice below. We will review your submission and contact you within 20 business days.
Start your request

Quick reference guide to requesting records

This summary of Transparency and Accountability Policy highlights does not replace and cannot be relied upon separately from the full policy. Before making a request, review the full policy

See section 3.10 of policy. Unless otherwise exempt, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas records created on or after January 1, 2024, and that fall into one of the following classifications will be provided upon request:

  • Records that describe the Dallas Fed’s organization and the manner in which the public can obtain information, make submittals or requests, and obtain decisions, including descriptions of the Dallas Fed’s operations; procedures and any forms generally available to the public or depository institutions; and substantive rules and policy statements adopted by the Dallas Fed.
  • Opinions and orders published by the Dallas Fed, policy statements adopted by the Dallas Fed, and administrative staff manuals and instructions that affect members of the public in dealing with the Dallas Fed.
  • The public portion of applications filed under the Bank Holding Company Act, of notices filed under the Change in Bank Control Act, and of other reports filed in connection with the Dallas Fed’s supervision of depository institutions.

See section 3.11 of policy. The Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas may decline to make certain records available if they fall within the scope of an exemption:

  • Exemption 1: Records specifically authorized by an Executive Order to be kept secret in the interest of national defense or foreign policy.
  • Exemption 2: Records related solely to the internal personnel rules and practices of the Dallas Fed.
  • Exemption 3: Records specifically exempted from disclosure by statute or regulation of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
  • Exemption 4: Records containing trade secrets and records containing commercial or financial information obtained from a person or organization that is privileged or confidential, including records related to specific extensions of credit made by the Dallas Fed; records related to accounts maintained at the Dallas Fed or transactions processed by the Dallas Fed; or commercially sensitive information related to the provision of financial services.
  • Exemption 5: Memoranda, notes or letters, consisting of analysis, minutes, opinions or recommendations, including those shared within the Federal Reserve System or with government agencies, that are pre-decisional or privileged, including attorney work product, attorney-client communications, and material that is otherwise privileged.
  • Exemption 6: Personnel and medical files and similar files or information the disclosure of which could constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.
  • Exemption 7: Records related to the security procedures of the Dallas Fed or investigatory records compiled for law enforcement or security purposes.
  • Exemption 8: Records contained in or related to examination, operating, or condition reports related to the regulation or supervision of financial institutions (to the extent such records are deemed to be records of the Dallas Fed).

See section 3.2 and Appendix A of policy. The requester must agree to pay the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas any fees owed in accordance with the fee schedule or request a waiver.

  • Duplication
    • Printing or photocopy, per standard page: $0.10
  • Search and review
    • Clerical/Technical, hourly rate: $17.00
    • Professional/Supervisory, hourly rate: $32.00
    • Manager/Senior Professional, hourly rate: $53.00
  • Electronic production
    • Operator search time, hourly rate: $25.00
    • Storage media: $5.00
    • Other charges or expenses: Actual cost

See sections 3.7, 3.8 and 3.9 of policy. The Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas may grant a fee waiver if it determines that the disclosure of the requested records is in the public interest because it contributes significantly to the public understanding of the operations or activities of the Dallas Fed, and the disclosure is not in the commercial interest of the requester.

A request for a fee waiver must include the following:

  • A clear statement of the requester’s interest in the requested document and the basis for the requester’s claim that a waiver of the fee is appropriate.
  • The use proposed for the document(s) and whether the requester will derive a benefit, monetary or otherwise, from such use.
  • A statement of how the public will benefit from the information.
  • If specialized use of the information requested is contemplated, a statement of the requester’s relevant qualifications which would justify specialized use.

Fees that total less than $5.00 will automatically be waived.

See sections 3.1, 3.2 and 3.4 of policy. Each request for Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas records must be submitted in writing to the Transparency Office, using our web form or by mail. The request must contain the following:

  • The requester’s name, address and phone number during business hours.
  • A sufficient description of the records requested so that Dallas Fed staff can identify and locate the records without undue difficulty.
  • The name of any pending litigation to which the request relates, and the court and its location.
  • The agreement to pay for any fees owed or a request for a waiver of such fees.

A request that does not comply with these requirements may not be processed by the Dallas Fed.

By providing personally identifiable information about yourself or others or details concerning your inquiry (collectively “Request Details”) in the request submission form or associated correspondence, you consent to the applicable collection, use, sharing and retention of your Request Details by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas (“Dallas Fed”).

How the Dallas Fed may use your request details

This notice and the Terms of Use and General Reserve Bank Data Privacy Notice for the website describe how the Dallas Fed collects, uses, shares and retains your Request Details.

Your Request Details may be shared within the Dallas Fed and within the Federal Reserve System (made up of the other Reserve Banks and the Federal Reserve Board of Governors) for the purpose of processing your request, maintaining records, processing payments, and performing other Reserve Bank or Federal Reserve System activities as needed.

The Dallas Fed may disclose your information to third parties such as service providers and partner organizations. However, it will not sell or use your information for marketing purposes without your consent. The Dallas Fed may disclose your information to law enforcement agencies or government authorities as required by law.

Your request details may be subject to disclosure

Your Request Details and related correspondence may become a “Record of the Bank” as that term is defined in the Dallas Fed's Transparency and Accountability Policy and may be subject to public disclosure. Therefore, do not provide the Dallas Fed with more personal information than is required by the request submission form.

Requests by mail can be submitted to:

Transparency Office
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
2200 N. Pearl St.
Dallas, TX 75201

For questions or issues with the request form, email our Transparency Office