Frequently Asked Questions
How do I report a fraud or scam?
The Federal Reserve regularly monitors fraudulent solicitations and communications that purport to be made with the approval or involvement of the Federal Reserve or Federal Reserve officials. Visit the Federal Reserve Board of Governors website for more information.
One common hoax asserts that the Federal Reserve maintains accounts for individuals that are tied to the individual's Social Security number, and that individuals can access these accounts to pay bills and obtain money. These claims are false. Read more on the Federal Reserve Board of Governors website.
Where can I find current job openings?
To learn more about careers at the Dallas Fed or apply for an open role, visit our Careers page.
I have a problem with my bank. How do I file a complaint?
Visit the Federal Reserve Consumer Help website to file a complaint and explore helpful resources. You can also call the Consumer Help Center at 888-851-1920 or email
How can I become a vendor or supplier for the Dallas Fed?
The Dallas Fed purchases goods and services from a range of suppliers, including local small businesses. Our Supplier Relationship Management team can assist you in learning about our requirements and finding ways to grow your business. Visit our Vendors and Suppliers page to learn more about doing business with the Dallas Fed.
How do I request a Dallas Fed speaker?
The Dallas Fed can provide speakers, as scheduling permits, to public groups, nonprofits, trade associations, municipalities and other community groups. Our speakers present in-person or virtually on a wide range of topics. Request a speaker.
If I have damaged U.S. currency, what should I do?
The Bureau of Engraving and Printing redeems mutilated currency as a free public service. Read more on the Bureau of Engraving and Printing website.
Where can I find information on cash, U.S. savings bonds or Treasury securities?
The Federal Reserve does not provide currency and coin directly to the public. For general information about U.S. money, visit the U.S. Currency Education Program, Bureau of Engraving and Printing and U.S. Mint websites. For questions about U.S. savings bonds or Treasury securities, visit the TreasuryDirect website.
Who do I contact about the Dallas Fed website?
We welcome your feedback. For questions or comments about our Dallas Fed website, complete our online form.
My question is not listed. How can I get in touch?
Visit our Contacts page or use our online form to submit your question. We will get back to you promptly.