Find upcoming and past events that are open to the public.
Our listings include in-person and virtual programs. See event details for registration and contact information, as well as agenda, presentations or recordings when available.
Texas Economic Outlook 2024
On Feb. 9, 2024, Dallas Fed Vice President and Senior Economist Pia Orrenius will release the Dallas Fed's forecast for Texas employment growth for the year and share details on the factors likely to influence Texas economy in 2024.
02/09/2024Dallas & virtual 2nd CEMLA/Dallas Fed Financial Stability Workshop
The Center for Latin American Monetary Studies (CEMLA) and the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas invite submissions to their 2nd Financial Stability Workshop, to be held from November 30 to December 1, 2023, in Dallas.
11/30/2023Dallas Fed Direct Air Capture Panel Discussion
The University of California, Davis, and the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas hosted a panel discussion on Nov. 15, 2023 that focused on the prospects for large-scale carbon removal via direct air capture technology and what role it should play in climate policy.
11/15/2023UC Davis and virtual Energy and the Economy: Reshuffling the Energy Deck
The Federal Reserve Banks of Dallas and Kansas City hosted their eighth joint energy conference on Nov. 7, 2023, in Oklahoma City. The conference focused on improving supply chains as well as the outlook for global energy markets and capital allocation in the energy transition. Participants included business leaders, central bankers, government officials, academics and financial market representatives.
11/07/2023Oklahoma City 17th Annual Economics Scholars Program Conference for Undergraduate Research
The Economics Scholars Program (ESP) is a collaborative effort between Austin College and the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas to foster the involvement of undergraduate economics students in all facets of research.
10/20/2023Dallas GDP: What it is, why it matters and how to teach it
Teachers and professors are invited to attend this free Federal Reserve Education webinar covering the basics of GDP, common misconceptions about it, how to use data to teach about it, and using GDP as an economic indicator.
10/18/2023Virtual Economic Inclusion Fireside Chat
The Dallas Fed's Economic Inclusion Fireside Chat series opened with a conversation about the importance of the Fed’s mandate of price stability and full employment for low- and moderate-income communities. The discussion highlighted the crucial role of diversity and inclusion in the design and communication of monetary and public policies.
10/17/2023Dallas Digital Inclusion Research Forum
This forum on Oct. 12–13, 2023, highlighted the latest digital inclusion research, plus emerging methodologies and best practices in the sector.<
10/12/2023Dallas Conference on International Economics
The Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, the University of Houston and the Banco de México hosted the Eighth Annual Conference on International Economics, October 6–7, 2023, in Houston.
10/06/2023Houston Minorities in Banking Forum
This forum for mid-level and senior banking leaders on Sept. 27-28, 2023, was hosted by the Federal Reserve System. Sessions included industry updates, professional development conversations, diversity and inclusion strategies and networking opportunities.