Find upcoming and past events that are open to the public.
Our listings include in-person and virtual programs. See event details for registration and contact information, as well as agenda, presentations or recordings when available.
Global Perspectives with Maya MacGuineas
Maya MacGuineas, president of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, addresses how the U.S. can handle the growing burden of U.S. debt, the importance of human capital and how politics is impacting the national debt.
01/16/2019Houston Branch Global Perspectives with Jerome H. Powell
Jerome H. Powell, chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, discusses his career path to the Federal Reserve, challenges to normalizing monetary policy and the state of the economy.
11/14/2018Dallas Fed Global Perspectives with Robert S. Taubman
Robert S. Taubman, chairman, president and CEO of Taubman Centers, Inc., talks about brick and mortar stores, how e-commerce is affecting shopping centers and the state of retail in China.
11/05/2018Dallas Fed Conference on International Economics
Leading academic researchers and central bankers will present and discuss papers on international trade and international macroeconomics.
10/12/2018Dallas Fed Global Perspectives with Ellen Ochoa
Ellen Ochoa, former director of NASA’s Johnson Space Center and former member of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas board of directors, discusses her path to being an astronaut, the importance of STEAM education and serving on the Dallas Fed board.
10/04/2018Dallas Fed Energy and the Economy: Charting the Course Ahead
The Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas and the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City will host their third joint energy conference on September 7, 2018. The conference will focus on global oil market dynamics, the long-term outlook for U.S. shale, and U.S. energy trade flows.
09/07/2018Dallas Fed Central Bank Research Association (CEBRA) Workshop for Commodities and Macroeconomics
This workshop will focus on commodity markets and their broader economic implications. Participants are central bankers and academics.
09/05/2018Dallas Fed Vistas from Texas: An Economic Outlook
The Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas’ San Antonio Branch hosted “Sizing Up Texas’ Growth,” a conference addressing economic trends and prospects for the state and its major regions—South Texas, the Gulf Coast, West Texas and North Texas.
06/27/2018San Antonio Technology-Enabled Disruption: Implications for Business, Labor Markets and Monetary Policy
The purpose of the conference was to provide a better understanding of the technology-enabled disruption phenomenon and explore its implications for the broader economy, in particular, labor markets and the workforce; and promote further research on technology-enabled disruption, which increasingly affects more areas of economic life.
05/24/2018Dallas Fed Global Perspectives with David Wessel
David Wessel, former journalist and current director of the Hutchins Center on Fiscal and Monetary Policy at the Brookings Institution, talks about the skills a former journalist brings to a think tank, the biggest economic problems facing the United States and the challenges of the modern press.
04/04/2018Dallas Fed