April 20, 2020
Jordana Barton
Directives for social distancing and stay-at-home orders have made access to broadband an urgent necessity for families as they struggle to stay connected with schooling, jobs, health care, government assistance and more.
April 1, 2020
Molly Hubbert Doyle
At local and national levels, nonprofits, government agencies, funders and financial institutions are all working to mitigate this economic shock for households and businesses.
March 27, 2020
Kevin Dancy
To help support economic resiliency, we are providing Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) consideration for banking and lending activities in response to COVID-19.
March 5, 2020
Molly Hubbert Doyle
Vanessa was accepted to a Promise partner institution and soon found herself at a place she never thought her path would take her. Programs like Dallas County Promise are important in today’s economy as postsecondary education becomes increasingly necessary.
February 24, 2020
Emily Ryder Perlmeter
Research shows that life expectancy in Texas differs as much as 30 years depending on the ZIP code in which someone lives.
January 31, 2020
Emily Ryder Perlmeter
Much has happened since the Dallas Fed released its first article on Opportunity Zones (OZs). While we know a lot more than we did, some aspects of OZs remain unclear.
December 20, 2019
Julie Gunter and Pamela Foster
In the city of Dallas, about 42 percent of households lack a fixed connection to the internet. What does this mean for our neighbors’ economic future? How can we close the digital divide?
November 20, 2019
Anna Crockett
How do low- and moderate-income Texans fare in becoming homeowners?
November 20, 2019
Jason Saving
K-12 spending in Texas lags behind the national average, which may leave students unprepared as they enter the changing labor market.
November 20, 2019
Anna Crockett
Women veteran-owned small businesses are an important part of our regional economy, but little is known about their needs and challenges.