Healthy Communities: The intersection of community development and health
The individuals the community development field reaches are the same individuals who face major health disparities. While access to health care is one component that explains these disparities, the social determinants of health—where people work, live, learn and play—can play a strong role as well. The more opportunities individuals have to make healthy choices, the more likely they can live longer and healthier lives. These social determinants of health are the nexus of the community development and health sector’s joint interests. It is in this space that collaboration is imperative. And the health of our country and economy depend on it: in general, wealthier people are healthier and healthier people are more economically productive.
- Healthy Communities: A Framework for Meeting CRA Obligations
Provides a roadmap of best practices in community development; a healthy communities framework for financial institutions and their target communities; a list of CRA reference guides; a template for how financial institutions can tell their CRA story. - Promising Telehealth Initiatives Highlight the Need to Close Digital Divide
These five case studies examine how access to telehealth can address health disparities in underserved urban and rural communities.
Community Reinvestment Act (CRA)
CRA and compliance officers at financial institutions are responsible for making complex decisions about how to invest in community development to meet their CRA obligations. This publication provides a roadmap of best practices in community development and a healthy communities framework that highlights the types of investments that are valuable both to financial institutions and their target communities. It also includes reference guides for ensuring planned CRA activities meet regulatory requirements and a template for how financial institutions can tell their CRA story.
- Healthy Communities: A Framework for Meeting CRA Obligations
- Appendix: Experts in Healthy Communities (In Their Own Words)
- Checklist: Experts in Healthy Communities: PDF